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Department Overview

Head of Department: Prof. Alpna Agarwal

Chaudhary Charan Singh University (formerly Meerut University) was established to be primarily a research-intensive university.  Academic life was given force by the divisions established to go beyond traditional boundaries. Each division relied on students who were admitted to the MPhil program, leading to Ph.D.

Research in Psychology was envisaged to be conducted, along with sociology and education¸ under the aegis of the Division of Behavioural Sciences, established in 1970.  The animal psychologist, Sheo Dan Singh (Prof. S.D. Singh), trained in US and UK, and with publications in world-class journals (notably Scientific American)  was invited to join as a Professor of Psychology. Siddha Nath Rai (Prof. S.N. Rai), currently Professor Emeritus in the Department of Psychology, also joined in May 1970 as a lecturer in Psychology. In 1974, separate departments were established for Psychology, Education, and Sociology. MA programs were started in all departments and MPhil was delinked from Ph.D.

Prof. S.D. Singh continued to work in collaboration with many scholars abroad, notably Harry Harlow. Under his influence, the major research focus of the department was on the psychology of primates with Prof. S.D. Singh requested (some would say forcing!) the authorities, such as the government and UGC, to give him the resources to study rhesus monkeys in the Shivalik forest of Dehradun. The foundation of experimental work laid by S.D Singh was built upon by many others who came after him. Among the faculty who ably served the department, were B. S. Gupta, Maharaj Singh, Mridula Banerjee, and MadhuMathur. Dr. B. S. Gupta came in 1978 from Amritsar, and did excellent experimental work, studying the effect of different stimulant and depressant drugs on conditioning and cognitive functioning among subjects divided based on Eysenck’s dimensions of personality. A series of articles were published in several journals published from the UK based on his work in combining personality and pharmacology. He later moved to Banaras Hindu University. Dr. Maharaj Singh had his basic training in Physics Honours (from this university itself), did MA in Psychology from Meerut College, and M Phil from our department, and then went on to complete a second Masters in Psychology from McGill University, Canada, on a Fullbright scholarship. He returned to join Meerut University in a project, completed a Ph.D. with Prof. Rai, and joined as a reader in 1990, and remained associated with the department for about 10 years. A soft-spoken expert in research methods and statistics, he worked in the area of neuroscience focusing on handedness, and its implications for brain and cognition in normal and clinical populations. Eventually, he went to the USA to work in the Department of Biostatistics at Marquette University, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Dr. Mridula Banerjee was another experimental psychologist, extremely clear in her conceptual knowledge of neuroscience, who initially worked with Prof. S.D. Singh. She later did a project on tribals in Madhya Pradesh. Dr. MadhuMathur was a UGC Research Scientist in the department from 1988 to 2008.

After Prof. Singh’s untimely demise, Narendra Singh Chauhan joined as the professor and head of the department. With an MA in Psychology from the University of Calcutta (after one in Philosophy from Agra University), he returned to Agra for a Ph.D. in Sociology and D Litt in Psychology. His vision was firmly dedicated to India and its culture. Whilst in Agra, he had worked on personality erosion of lepromatous. He was among the first Indian psychologists to work on the roots of Psychology in the Indian philosophical traditions. With more than a hundred research publications he covered an entire gamut of topics such as creativity, behavioural deviance, psychopathology, parenting, etc. in the Indian context. Prof. N.S. Chauhan was the president of the Indian Psychological Association during 1993-94 and Prachi Psycho Cultural Research Association from 1985. Several tests were added to the existing experimental apparatuses and the department established a separate testing laboratory during this period. Several tests were constructed and published for research purposes by Prof. Chauhan and later also by Prof. Rai.

Whilst the 1970s was the era of looking to the west for inspiration in experimental psychology, and the 1980s was the time when we searched for our roots in Indian Philosophy, from 1990 onwards, the study of psychology was gradually expanded to include areas of application, which would ensure a good career for the students. Siddha Nath Rai was a professor and head from 1990 to 2007. Prof. Rai was essentially an experimental psychologist who later started working on social issues and problems using experimental psychology.  Extremely alive to the social realities of India (even to this day), it was in his tenure as head, that the department started courses leading to a professional degree. In 1992, the first professional course of the university, the Advanced Diploma Course in Personal Management and Industrial Relations (PMIR) was started. This was followed in 1994-95 by a Masters in Human Resources and Development (MHRD). In 2001, an Advanced Diploma in Applied Clinical Psychology (ADACP) was offered. Prof. Rai was the president of the Indian Psychological Association from 1995 to 2007. He was awarded a major research project on “Tempo and quality of decision making of visually handicapped”. He also published the Indian Journal of Current Psychological Researches from 1983 to 1997.

From 2007 onwards, Beer Singh was appointed as head of the department. He specialized in clinical assessment and mental health. His keen focus on jobs for the students of the department ensured the good continuation of the job-oriented programs of study started by Prof. Rai. He initiated a PG Diploma in Counselling Psychology with its own ‘Counselling Center’ to serve the university and the general population. Prof. Beer Singh was awarded a UGC major project on mental health. He was also awarded a major research project by the ICSSR on marital adjustment and mental health of working and non-working women. A post-doctoral fellow, Dr. Anuradha Pal, completed her fellowship project on acid attack victims under his supervision. During his tenure, Prof. Beer Singh organized three workshops for students and others on psycho-spiritual therapies, assessment with Rorschach, etc.
Snehlata Jaswal was appointed as professor in 2018 and soon thereafter became the head of the department. With a Ph.D. from the University of Edinburgh, she is enthusiastic about the use of experimental and quantitative methods to understand human cognition, particularly in organizations. As head of the department, she brought back the focus on the pure science aspect of Psychology. The syllabi for MA and M Phil were thoroughly revised. Recognizing the interdisciplinary nature of modern psychology, admission to MA was opened to all streams and subjects of knowledge. Currently, the department has two well-equipped laboratories, one for experimental work, and the other for psychological testing. Both laboratories are being upgraded to include hardware and software for computerized and advanced experimental design and testing. The department also has a separate computer laboratory for the use of students.

Sanjay Kumar joined the university as a lecturer (now Assistant Professor) in 2002 and currently serving in the department as a professor since 2017 and Head of the department since October 2021. Prof. Sanjay Kumar is a RCI-registered rehabilitation psychologist, who is not only a popular teacher but also a clinical practitioner from last more than 20 years and providing free psychotherapeutic and counselling services to the needy. He has research publications in the areas of clinical, health, and positive psychology. He has conducted many academic activities, including, Ten Days National Workshop on Research Methodology sponsored by ICSSR, One week workshop on Psychological tests and computerized psychological tools, a National seminar on ‘Mental Health in 75 years of independent India’, an invited lecture on Self Reliance for women with Mission Shakti Abhiyan, etc. He is very enthusiastic about social work in the area of mental health and sincerely works for Mental Health Awareness through outreach activities in localities, villages, schools, and colleges. He is also associated with a NGO- Mental Health Mission India as an honorary president intending to see a mental health stigma-free Indian population in the next 10 years. He is honored with many prestigeous Awards, including, Change of Agent by Mission Shakti Abhiyan (a UP Govt. Initttiateive), Visionary Leader Award by MHM India, Mata Savitriby Foole Utkrishth Shikshak Samman, by IGSI New Delhi, Dr. Ambedkaaar Ratna Samman by BDVS, Meerut etc. for contribution to society and education. Prof. Alpna Agarwal also joined the university in 2002 as a lecturer in the psychology department and now serving as a professor since 2017. She combines an interest in Health and Social Psychology with an acumen in Statistics. A revered teacher, she is valued for her practical advice and zeal for exploring newvistas of learning. Both are alumni of this department and have done Ph.D. with Prof. Rai and Dr. Banerjee respectively.

Over the years, the department has had the benefit of hosting several distinguished visitors. Notable among them was Prof. Raj Narain who was associated with the department as Professor Emeritus from 1971 to 1978. He had earlier worked at Lucknow University with Gardner Murphy. Robert Mead often came to the department as a visiting professor during 1970-80.

Understandably, the department has a long list of renowned alumni. Prominent among those who went on to become researchers and academicians of repute in other universities are Mewa Singh, Rajbir Singh, Raghubir Singh Pirta,  SunitaMalhotra, Chander Pal Khokhar, Waheeda Khan, SurajbhanYadav, and Chandrashekhar. NeerpalRathi is Associate Professor at IIM Nagpur. Several alumni are teaching in colleges such as YKSChauhan, AnshuAgarwal, Anita Moral, Madhubala, Karuna Anand, Kumkum Pareek, Sanjay Kumar, while MandarManjary is running a school in Muzaffarnagar.  Purnima Jain served the nation by joining the IAS, Ajay Singh the IPS, and Dinesh Kumar, the DRDO. In previous years, many students have been selected in the District Institute for Education and Training (DIET) as lecturers (Nidhi, Nishu, Mamta, Hemlata) and counsellors (Yashika, Shivraj, Manisha).  Seema Sharma and Balbir Singh are renowned counsellors in private practice.
The focus on the pure science aspect of psychology is clear among faculty who published experimental studies in international journals of repute, such as the Journal of Comparative and Physiological PsychologyBritish Journal of PsychologyPsychopharmacology, Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, and Journal of Cognitive Psychology. Prof. S.D. Singh’s work ‘Urban monkeys’ published in the Scientific American, was deeply appreciated by many scholars and the graphs in this article were used as models for graphical representation in McGuigan’s classic ‘Experimental Psychology.

The department is rightly proud of its contribution to the literature in Psychology. Not only have our faculty published several articles in journals of repute in India and abroad, they have also contributed as publishers and editors. Prof. N.S. Chauhan published and edited the Prachi Journal of Psychocultural Dimensions from 1985 to 1998. Prof. S.N. Rai published and edited the Indian Journal of Current Psychological Researches from 1983 to 1997. Prof. Snehlata Jaswal is the Assistant Specialty Chief Editor of Frontiers in Cognitive Science, which is a specialty in Frontiers in Psychology, currently the largest international journal in Psychology in terms of articles published.
Today, the mission of the department is to equip students with knowledge as well as skills to advance their career goals in Psychology and to deal with real-life problems. To this end, the faculty members impart intensive knowledge to the students about myriad topics in Psychology with a particular focus on the recent advances in each area and train them in skills associated with the research and practice of Psychology. 

Latest Updates

Programme/ Courses

The department is currently offering the following programmes of study:

M.A. (Psychology) Programme (CBCS)

M.A. (Psychology) Programme (CBCS)
About Programme:

M.A. (Psychology) is a four-semester full time programme under Choice-based Credit System. Students need to complete 24 credits (four courses) in each semester. Each course has a theory and practical component. In the third and fourth semester students may opt for courses which enable their entry in a pathway to Clinical Psychology or Organizational Psychology or Educational Psychology. Of course, students are free to choose options that do not lead to any of these particular paths but allows them to acquire knowledge in diverse areas of psychology. Under the Choice-based Credit System, students also opt for one open elective of any other department in each semester.

Number of Seats:
Eligibility Conditions:

Ph.D. (Psychology)

Ph.D. (Psychology)
About Programme:

The department offers Ph.D. programme in the areas of specialization of the faculty members. We particularly welcome students who are interested in quantitative research. We are also open to those who have an interest in interdisciplinary work. Open electives offered by the department for students of other departments under the Choice-based Credit System are: 'Psychology in Everyday Life' and 'Psychology and Spirituality' in the odd and even semesters respectively.

Number of Seats:
Eligibility Conditions:

B.A. (NEP) Psychology

B.A. (NEP) Psychology
About Programme:
Number of Seats:
Eligibility Conditions:

M.A. Psychology

M.A. Psychology
About Programme:
Number of Seats:
Eligibility Conditions:

M.A. Psychology NEP

M.A. Psychology NEP
About Programme:
Number of Seats:
Eligibility Conditions:

Pre Ph.D Course Work Psychology

Pre Ph.D Course Work Psychology
About Programme:
Number of Seats:
Eligibility Conditions:



Prof. Alpna Agarwal

M.A., M.Phil., Ph.D.

View Profile


Snehlata Jaswal

M.A., M.Phil., Ph.D. (Edinburgh, UK) Cognitive Psychology, Organizational Psychology

View Profile

Dr. Sanjay Kumar

M.A., Ph.D.

View Profile

Associate Professor

Dr. Anshu Agarwal

M.A., M.Phil., UGC-NET, Ph.D.

View Profile

Emeritus Professor

S.N. Rai

M.A., Ph.D.

No Resume Available


Programme Name Download New/ Revised Syllabus
B.A. Psychology
B.A. Honours Psychology 2024-25
B.A. NEP Psychology 2024-25
B.A. Under NEP
M.A. NEP Psychology 2024-25
M.A. Psychology
M.A. Psychology (2022-23)
Pre Ph.D. Course Work Psychology
Psychology (Semester System)

Experimental Cubicle                                           01

Experimental Laboratory                                      01

Testing Laboratory with three testing cubicles      01

Computer/ Reading Room                                    01

Seminar hall with ICT facility                                 01

Classrooms with ICT facility                                  03

Psychological Counselling Center                         01                               

Refrigerated and non-refrigerated RO water

Separate washrooms for males and females


The department of psychology is running BA and MA in Psychology, Ph.D., Post Graduate Diploma in Guidance and Counselling (PGDGC) as well as two certificate courses in the ‘Art of parenting’ and ‘Inculcating Happiness and Wellbeing

After completing MA and Ph.D., the student receives jobs in colleges as an assistant professor, in school as lecturer, and in schools as a counselor. The Ph.D. students also get opportunities in the organizations like DRDO, Universities, mental health centers diets etc. Prominent among those who went on to become researchers and academicians of repute in other universities are Mewa Singh, Rajbir Singh, Raghubir Singh Pirta,  SunitaMalhotra, Chander Pal Khokhar, Waheeda Khan, SurajbhanYadav, and Chandrashekhar. NeerpalRathi is Associate Professor at IIM Nagpur. Several alumni are teaching in colleges such as YKSChauhan, AnshuAgarwal, Anita Moral, Madhubala, Karuna Anand, Kumkum Pareek, Sanjay Kumar, while MandarManjary is running a school in Muzaffarnagar.  Purnima Jain served the nation by joining the IAS, Ajay Singh the IPS, and Dinesh Kuamr, the DRDO. In previous years, many students have been selected in the District Institute for Education and Training (DIET) as lecturers (Nidhi, Nishu, Mamta, Hemlata) and counsellors (Yashika, Shivraj, Manisha).  Seema Sharma and Balbir Singh are renowned counsellors in private practice.

Research & Publications


S.No. Author Name Inventor's Name Title Name of Journal Month Year of Publication
1 Dr. Alpna Agarwal Role of Age in Gratitude of Males and Females Contemporary Social Sciences 2022-03-31
2 Dr. Alpna Agarwal validation of the factor structure of acceptance and action questionnaire- II (AAQ-II) in the indian context Turkish online journal of qualitative inquiry (TOJQI) 2021-07-31
3 Dr. Alpna Agarwal relationship between dispositional mindfulness and psychological well-being among adults Shodh sanchar bulletin 2021-03-31
4 Dr. Alpna Agarwal Effect of Pubertal Maturation on Self-Esteem of Adolescents Contemporary Social Sciences 2019-06-30
5 Dr. Alpna Agarwal Role of Yogic Exercises in Stress of Hostelers IAHRW International Journal of Social Sciences Review 2019-04-30



Tiwari, L. & Agarwal, A. (2022). Social networking addiction and family relationship as predictors of aggression among female adolescents, Dogo Rangsang Research Journal, 13 (8, 1), 30-35.

Nidhi, & Agarwal, A. (2022). Effect of age and family structure on spirituality of adolescents, Indian Journal of Positive Psychology, 13 (2), 107-109.

Pratibha, & Agarwal, A. (2022). Role of Age and gender in prosocial behavior of adults, IAHRW International Journal of Social Sciences Review, 10(2), 189-191.

Pratibha, & Agarwal, A. (2022). Role of Age in Empathy of Males and Females, Journal of National Development, 35 (1), 156-162.

Gupta, C., & Agarwal, A. (2022). Role of Age in Gratitude of Males and Females, Contemporary Social Sciences, 31(1), 98-105.

Tyagi, A., & Agarwal, A. (2021). Validation of the Factor Structure of Acceptance and Action Questionnaire-II (AAQ-II) in the Indian Context, Turkish Online Journal of Qualitative Inquiry (TOJQI) 12 (7), 10033 – 10043.

Tyagi, A., & Agarwal, A. (2021). Relationship between dispositional mindfulness and psychological well-being among adults, Shodh Sanchar Bulletin, 11(41), 67-71.

Agarwal, A., & Kapoor, N. (2019). Effect of Pubertal Maturation on Self-Esteem of Adolescents, Contemporary Social Sciences, 28(2), 134-140.

Gupta, C., & Agarwal, A. (2019). Role of Yogic Exercises in Stress of Hostelers, IAHRW International Journal of Social Sciences Review, 7(4), 634-636.


Singh, D., Agarwal, A., & Bhardwaj, S. (2017). Effect of Father’s Absence on Feelings of Security-Insecurity, Indian Journal of Psychology and Education (IJPE), 7 (1), 87-94.

Agarwal, A., & Kaushik, S. (2016). Participation in Physical and Extracurricular Activities and Gender as Determinants of Emotional Stability of Children, Contemporary Social Sciences, 25 (1), 87-94, (2016).

Agarwal, A., & Chaudhary, N. (2016). Religious Practices, Age and Gender as Determinants of Psychological Well-Being, Indian Journal of Psychological Science, 6 (2), 032-037.

Agarwal, A., & Chaudhary, N. (2015). Impact of Religion on Happiness of Senior Citizens, IAHRW International Journal of Social Sciences Review, 3(5), 575-577.

Agarwal, A., &Vashistha, A. (2015). Effect of Consumption of Junk Food on Memory, Journal of National Development, 28 (2), 99-104

Agarwal, A., & Agarwal, A.(2015). Effect of Locale and Gender of Cardiovascular Patients on their Coping with Stress, Journal of Indian Health Psychology, 9 (2), 93-101.

Agarwal, A., & Chaudhary, N. (2015).Effect of Locale on Awareness towards HIV/AIDS among Adults, Indian Journal of Psychology and Education, 5 (1), 88-91.

Agarwal, A., Agarwal, A., & Mallick, P. (2014). A Study of Relationship between Internet Addiction and Self-Concept of Adolescents,  Indian Journal of health & Wellbeing, 5 (2), 219-221,

Agarwal, A. (2013). Enhancing Happiness through Sudarshan Kriya, Indo-Indian Journal of Social Science Researches, 9 (1), 55-58.

Agarwal, A. (2013). The Effect of Type A - Type B Behavior Pattern on Coping Strategies of Cardiovascular Patients, Indian Journal of Positive Psychology, 4 (3), 443-445.

Agarwal, A., &Agarwal, A. (2013). Social support   : The Chief Catalyst in Promoting Emotional Well-Being of Women after Traumatic Experience, Praachi  Journal of Psycho-Cultural Dimensions,  29 (1), 38-43.

Agarwal, A., &Agarwal, A. (2013). Impact of Mantra Chanting on Stress Coping, Indian Journal of    Positive Psychology, 4 (1), 96-98.

Agarwal, A., &Singh, D. (2012). Effect of Father’s Absence on Feelings of Security-Insecurity in Adolescents, Bombay Psychologist, 27 (1&2), 68-73

Agarwal, A., & Goel, R. (2012). A Study of Females’ attitude towards honour killing, Indo-Indian Journal of Social Science Researches, 8 (1), 19-23.

Agarwal, A., & Priyanka (2010). Impact of Parental Deprivation on Impulsiveness of Adolescents, Journal of National Development, 23 (1), 13-18.

Agarwal, A.(2010). Stress and its Management, Journal of National Development, 23 (2), 111-114.

Agarwal, A.(2009). Enhancing Well-Being through Meditation, Journal of National Development, 22 (1), 17-24.

Agarwal, A., & Chowdhary, M. (2009). The Effect of Type A - Type B Behavior Pattern on Mental Health of Adolescents, Praachi Journal of Psycho-Cultural Dimensions, 25 (1 &2), 183-186,

Agarwal, A., Bala, M., & Moral, A. (2005) Loneliness in Ageing, Journal of National Development, 18 (2), 25-32.

Agarwal, A. (2004). A Study of Health in Old Age Persons, Journal of National Development, 17 (2), 153-160.

Agarwal, A. (2004). Anxiety among Sports and Non-Sports Persons, Journal of National Development, 17 (1), 89-92.

Agarwal, A.(2016). Increase Awareness towards the Treatment of Coronary Heart Disease, conference proceedings of International Seminar on Innovating Education, Youth Entrepreneurship and Skill Development, ISBN 978-81-88681-52-5, 75-78,

Agarwal, A., & Pratibha (2016). Factors Responsible for Lack of Safety of Women, conference proceedings of National Seminar on Crime Against women, ISBN 978-93-82166-47-4, 30-35,

Agarwal, A., & Moral, A.(2006). Violence against Women, conference proceedings of National Seminar of media exploitation of women, 97-100,

Agarwal, A., & Bala, M. (2006). Sexual Harassment of Women in Different Areas, conference proceedings of National Seminar of media exploitation of women, 107-110.


Impact of pubertal maturation on cognitive style of adolescents during COVID-19, paper presented in International Conference on Community Psychology, organized by O. P. Jindal Global University, Sonipat, 29-31Oct, 2021.

Social media and well-being: A critical review, paper presented in National seminar, organized by Meerut College, Meerut, 23-24 Nov, 2019.

Role of social media in creating environmental awareness, paper presented in National seminar, organized by Meerut College, Meerut, 23-24 Nov, 2019.

The role of social media in today’s life, paper presented in National seminar, organized by Meerut College, Meerut, 23-24 Nov, 2019.

Effect of religion on life satisfaction of senior citizens, paper resented in International conference, organized by Lexis conferences, Dubai, UAE, 13-14 Nov., 2019.

Effect of living place on psychological well-being of senior citizens, paper presented in International conference of Applied psychology (IAAP), organized by Kurukshetra University, Haryana, 14-16 Feb., 2019.

Impact of yogic exercises on well-being of college going students, paper presented in International seminar, organized by National Association of Psychological Science and Panjab University, Chandigarh, 26-28 Oct., 2018.

Effect of parental deprivation on emotional stability in children, paper presented in International seminar, organized by National Association of Psychological Science and Panjab University, Chandigarh, 26-28 Oct., 2018.

Women awareness towards safety measures, paper presented in National Seminar, organized by Institute of Legal Studies C.C.S. University, Meerut, Association for Innovative Education and Meerut College, Meerut, 7 April, 2018.

The role of forgiveness in healthy relationship, paper presented in International seminar, organized by Panjab University, Chandigarh, 18-20 Sep., 2017.

The role of forgiveness in maintaining the health, paper presented in International seminar, organized by Panjab University, Chandigarh, 18-20 Sep., 2017.

Role of Sudarshan kriya in subjective well-being, paper presented in International seminar, organized by Association for Innovative Education, 14-16 April, 2017.

Psychology of terrorism, paper presented in National seminar, organized by I.N.P.G. College, Meerut, 28-29 Jan., 2017.

The impact of moral values on personality development of adolescents, paper presented in International seminar, organized by Dewan Institute of Management Studies, Meerut, 29-30 April, 2016.

Problems of women entrepreneurs in India, paper presented in National seminar, organized by Economics Department, C. C. S. University, Meerut, 26 -27 March, 2016.

Drug addiction and social awareness in Indian society, paper presented in National seminar, organized by Meerut College, Meerut, 13-14 March, 2016.

Importance of human factors in implementation of new technology, paper presented in National seminar, organized by Digambar Jain College, Baraut, 01-02 March, 2016.

Coping strategies used by mothers of mentally retarded children, paper presented in International seminar, organized by national institute for empowerment of persons with multiple disabilities, 27-28 Feb., 2016.

Effect of yoga on concentration of adolescents, paper presented in National seminar, organized by Ramabai Ambedkar Govt. Degree College Gajraula, 25-26 Feb., 2016.

Effect of social networking sites on aggression of adolescents, paper presented in National seminar, organized by Digambar Jain College, Baraut, 30-31 Jan., 2016.

Effect of participating in extra-curricular activities on emotional stability of children, paper presented in International seminar, organized by Indian Association of Health Research and Welfare, 14-16 Jan., 2016.

Mental and psychological benefits of yoga, paper presented in International seminar, organized by Vivek College of Education, Bijnor, 19-20 Dec., 2015.

Factors responsible for lack of safety of women, paper presented in National seminar, organized by Digambar Jain College, Baraut, 01-02 Nov., 2015.

Effect of religious practices on psychological well-being, paper presented in International seminar, organized by National Association of Psychological Science, 08-09 Oct., 2015.

Basic steps to promote emotional intelligence in the classroom, paper presented in International seminar, organized by Indian Association of Positive Psychology & Manav Rachna international University, 27 Feb.-01 Mar., 2015.

The impact of culture on happiness of senior citizens, paper presented in International seminar, organized by Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, 24-26 Nov., 2014.

Five steps for promoting the well-being of human beings, paper presented in International seminar, organized by Amity Institute of Psychology and Allied Sciences, Amity University, Noida & Indian Association of Health, Research and Welfare, 25-17 Sep., 2014.

Effect of prayer and age on spirituality, paper presented in National seminar, organized by Gurukul Kangri University, Haridwar, 15-16 Feb., 2014.

Effect of locale on stress coping strategies of cardiovascular patients, paper presented in National seminar, organized by Department Of Economics, Chaudhary Charan Singh. University, Meerut, 17-18 Dec., 2013.

Effect of partner deprivation on life satisfaction of senior citizens, paper presented in National seminar, organized by R.G. College, Meerut, 22-23 Nov., 2012.

Effect of prayer and age on psychological stress, paper presented in National seminar, organized by Ismail national Mahila P.G. College, Meerut, 20-21 Nov., 2012.

Yoga practice as a facilitator of mental health, paper presented in National seminar, organized by Digambar Jain College, Baraut, 27-28 Sep., 2012.

Effect of religiosity on pro-social behavior, paper presented in National seminar, organized by Research Foundation international, 12-13 Nov., 2011.

Effect of personality type on suicidal ideation, paper presented in National seminar organized by Meerut College, Meerut, 11-12 Nov., 2011.

Problems of empowerment of women: a psychological perspective, paper presented in National seminar, organized by N.A.S. College, Meerut, 04-05 Dec., 2010.

A study of HIV awareness in adults, paper presented in National seminar, organized by N.A.S. College, Meerut, 05-06 Dec., 2009.

Belief and behavior, paper presented in International seminar, organized by S.D. College of Engineering and S.D. College of Management, Muzaffarnagar, 28-29 Sep., 2009.

Effect of family violence on mental health of adolescents, paper presented in National seminar, organized by Gurukul Kangri University, Haridwar, 20-21 March, 2009.

Effect of parental deprivation on emotional stability, paper presented in National seminar, organized by Gurukul Kangri University, Haridwar, 20-21 March, 2009.

A study of happiness of senior citizens, paper presented in National seminar, organized by Ismail national Mahila P.G. College, Meerut, 10-11 Feb., 2007.

A study of depression in rural and urban persons, paper presented in National seminar, organized by Digambar Jain College, Baraut, 27-28 Oct., 2004.

Time Table


TIME TABLEOF M.A. SEM- 1; M.A. SEM- 3, AND B.A. SEM- 1; B.A. SEM- 3 FOR THE SESSION 2022-2023 DATE - 18/12/2022

Day Class 9:00 - 10:00 10:00 - 11:00 11.00-12.00 12.00-1.00 1.00-2.00 2.00-3.00 3.00-4.00 4.00-5.00
Monday M.A. Sem 1 Psy. as a science (SS) The Psy. of Indiv. Differen. (AA) Biopsychology (SK) Practical (SS) Lunch Learning, Motiv. & Emotion (GF-1) Open elective (GF) Rem. Cl. (GF-1) Supervision (SK/AA/SJ)
Monday M.A. Sem 3 THigher Cog. Processes (SS) Adv Quantitative Methods(SJ) Practical (SJ) Lunch Psychopathology (AA) Clinical/ Organiz. Psy (SK/ SJ ) Coun./Tra (AP)
Monday B.A. Sem 1 Basic Psychological Proc. (AP) Lunch Promompting P. G. R. (GF)
Monday B.A. Sem 3 Psy. of Social Behavior (AP)
Tuesday M.A. Sem 1 Psy. as a science (SS) The Psy. of Indiv. Differen. (AA) Biopsychology (SK) Practical (AA) Lunch Learning, Motiv. & Emotion (GF-1) Open elective (GF-2) Rem. Cl. (GF-1) Supervision (SK/AA/SJ)
Tuesday M.A. Sem 3 Higher Cog. Processes (SS) Adv Quantitative Methods(SJ) Pract. (SJ/SK) Lunch Psychopathology (AA) Clinical/ Organiz. Psy (SK/ SJ ) Coun./Tra (AP)
Tuesday B.A. Sem 1 Basic Psychological Proc. (AP) Lunch Promompting P. G. R. (GF1)
Tuesday B.A. Sem 3 Psy. of Social Behavior (AP) Lunch
Wednesday M.A. Sem 1 Psy. as a science (SS) The Psy. of Indiv. Differen. (AA) Biopsychology (SK) Practical (SK) Lunch Learning, Motiv. & Emotion (GF-1) Open elective (GF-2) Rem. Cl. (GF-1) Supervision (SK/AA/SJ)
Wednesday M.A. Sem 3 Higher Cog. Processes (SS) Adv Quantitative Methods(SJ) Practical (SS) Lunch Psychopathology (AA) Clinical/ Organiz. Psy (SK/ SJ ) Coun./Tra (AP)
Wednesday B.A. Sem 1 Basic Psychological Proc. (AP) Lunch Promompting P. G. R. (GF1)
Wednesday B.A. Sem 3 Psy. of Social Behavior (AP)
Thursday M.A. Sem 1 Psy. as a science (SS) The Psy. of Indiv. Differen. (AA) Biopsychology (SK) Practical (GF-1) Lunch Learning, Motiv. & Emotion (GF-1) Open elective (GF-2) Coun./Tra. (GF-1 Supervision) (SK/AA/SJ)
Thursday M.A. Sem 3 Higher Cog. Processes (SS) Adv Quantitative Methods(SJ) Practical (AA) Lunch Psychopathology (AA) Clinical/ Organiz. Psy (SK/ SJ ) Rem. Cl. (GF-2)
Thursday B.A. Sem 1 Basic Psychological Proc. (AP) Lunch Promompting P. G. R. (GF1)
Thursday B.A. Sem 3 Psy. of Social Behavior (AP)
Friday M.A. Sem 1 Psy. as a science (SS) The Psy. of Indiv. Differen. (AA) Biopsychology (SK) Seminar (GF-1) Lunch Learning, Motiv. & Emotion (GF-1) Open elective (GF-2) Coun./Tra. (GF-1 Supervision) (SK/AA/SJ)
Friday M.A. Sem 3 Higher Cog. Processes (SS) Adv Quantitative Methods(SJ) Seminar (GF-2) Lunch Psychopathology (AA) Clinical/ Organiz. Psy (SK/ SJ ) Rem. Cl. (GF-2)
Friday B.A. Sem 1 Lab Work (AP) Lab Work (AP) Lunch Promompting P. G. R. (GF1)
Friday B.A. Sem 3 LW and Meas. of S.B. (AP) LW and Meas. of S.B. (GF-2)
Saturday M.A. Sem 1 Psy. as a science (SS) The Psy. of Indiv. Differen. (AA) Biopsychology (SK) Seminar (GF-1) Lunch Learning, Motiv. & Emotion (GF-1) Open elective (GF-2) Coun./Tra. (GF-1 Supervision) (SK/AA/SJ)
Saturday M.A. Sem 3 Higher Cog. Processes (SS) Adv Quantitative Methods(SJ) Seminar(GF-2) Lunch Psychopathology (AA) Clinical/ Organiz. Psy (SK/ SJ ) Rem. Cl. (GF-2)
Saturday B.A. Sem 1 Lab Work (AP) Lab Work (AP) Lunch Promompting P. G. R. (GF1)
Saturday B.A. Sem 3 LW and Meas. of S.B. (AP) LW and Meas. of S.B. (GF-2)